Are you looking for something interesting to do in Raleigh over the Thanksgiving period? Well, our Raleigh Car Service has got you covered. Enjoy all the splendor Raleigh has to offer in the comfort of our luxury vehicles. Our experienced and knowledgeable chauffeurs will transport you and your companions to any one of these locations to guarantee that your Thanksgiving is as memorable as possible.
Thanksgiving Wine Tasting
This one is for all of you wine enthusiasts. The Thanksgiving wine tasting is scheduled for 21st of this month at Taylors Wine Shop between 6pm and 8pm. This has become a trend with the Turkey Day Wine Tasting happening around this time for the past few years. Head over to Taylors Wine Shop for a taste of classic wines and some of the owner’s top recommendations. And the best thing about this wine tasting session? It’s completely free! So you absolutely have no excuse to be bored over Thanksgiving.
Dazzling Light Displays
First, enjoy an alluring and interactive light show at Lake Myra featuring over 400,000 lights. The lights are synched to holiday music and the admission to the show is absolutely free for all. Second, visit the Piper Lights show that is scheduled for 25th of this month; this is a family-run light show that won 2016’s Great Christmas Lights Competition. The Piper Lights Show features several amazing displays that cover the family property and go over a pond to give off a beautiful reflection. Lastly, try the North Carolina Chinese Lantern Festival that will go down on 24th of this month; this light show features over 20 awe-inspiring traditional Chinese lanterns; the festival attracts over 100,000 visitors annually, come be part of the crowd, it’ll be fun.
Holiday Flotilla
Head over to Wrightsville Beach on 25th and 26th of this month for the 34th annual North Carolina Holiday Flotilla where festively decorated boats are displayed on the Intracoastal Waterway, illuminating the night sky with dazzling fireworks at night. However, during the day, you and you companions will get to enjoy a festival at the park where you will have the privilege to visit Mr. and Mrs. Santa Clause, enjoy arts and crafts, try various exhilarating rides, do some holiday shopping, and much more.
Thanksgiving Meditation
Try some relaxing meditation at the Sagewood Centre before the holidays kick in completely. The Center will be open to anyone that’s interested in exploring a wide range of intriguing topics tailored to improve your spiritual and mental well-being. After you are done with the activities of the evening you will have a Q&A session with the practitioners where there’s the possibility of winning discounts on different products and services available at the center. The mediation sessions happen every 3rd Monday of the month and this month, the session happens to have landed on Tuesday the 21st. Head over to Sagewood for a new and refreshing experience.